Product Triggers

Product trigger workflows are useful in situations when online retailers need to automatically follow up after the sale when certain products are bought. With product trigger workflows, store owners c

Why you should use it

Automate any scenario where product-specific details need to be sent to your customers – digital downloads, instructions, or reminders.

How to get started

  1. Login to your account

  2. Click the Add New in the bottom left corner

  3. Select Add Message

  4. Select Automatic

  5. Select Marketing

  6. Choose Product Trigger

  7. In step one, toggle desired settings

  8. In step two, add the name, email and subject customers will see when the message arrives

  9. Select a starter template to use, or add content using the email editor

  10. In step three, confirm settings and activate

Dashboard overview

The overview dashboard will show all-time historical stats for the workflow, no matter if rules have been deleted.

  • Messages pending – count for pending e-mails that are scheduled to be sent

  • Messages sent – count for sent messages

  • Opens – number of times messages have been opened

  • Clicks – number of times messages have been clicked

  • Conversions – number of conversions resulting from this type of workflow

  • Revenue – total sales attributed to this type of workflow

  • Activity chart – weekly view of sent messages


  • Workflow name – the “friendly name” for your workflow, customers will not see this

  • Sending to – send to subscribers (default)

  • Order status – select the order status when the rule will fire

  • Send - send immediately or specify a time in the future to send the message.


  • Order Count Is - Trigger a message if a customer has an order count according to the selected count.

  • Limit Products Visible - By default, all products that were purchased are shown in the email message; if you would like to set a maximum number of products to be displayed, enable this option.

  • Price Trigger - When enabled, trigger messages based on if an order is greater than or less than a specific price level.

  • Product Filter - If you require certain products to be in a cart before a rule is triggered, add the product codes in the text area. If you have a product filter set and a general abandoned cart rule configured, the most specific rule will fire when there is a match.

  • Blacklist - Enter individual email(s) or domains that you would like to prevent this workflow rule from sending to. For domain blocks, use asterisks before the domain name e.g. **

  • Usage Limits - When activated, this setting will limit the number of emails that are sent to a customer email address. This feature does not impact other messaging workflows of its type and is only specific to the rule being created.


The logs area of this workflow will display log events between specific date ranges.

  • Pending – shows messages that validated based on rule criteria and are scheduled to be sent.

  • Sent – shows information about messages that have been sent as a result of meeting rule criteria.

  • Conversions – displays relevant conversions as a result of a workflow message triggering.

  • Blocked - listing of email addresses that did not qualify for defined rule criteria.

More information


  • All shopping carts are supported by this messaging workflow.

Last updated