
From a single starting point, you can view information about all of your customers.

Customer list

When the Customer menu nav item is selected, it will show the customer list from the store. This is sorted by the last order ID.

Customer details

On click of any customer ID, it will link to the customer details. Here, you can view information about your customers. It will display what customer segment(s) they are part of and their opt-in preference. Other metrics include:

  • Lifetime orders

  • Lifetime sales

  • Total products purchased

  • Top 10 purchases

  • Latest orders

  • Workflow stats

  • Average purchase frequency

  • Conversion rate

  • Conversion totals

Opt-In preferences

At checkout, we update the customer's opt-in preference for email marketing. If the customer later wants to unsubscribe, they can do so on their end after receiving a message from our system or you can manually unsubscribe them using the drop-down in the customer information widget.

Customer profile information

In accordance with GDPR, if a customer requests information about the information being collected you may send them their profile information. This link is only accessible to the customer and they can erase all data or update their preferences.


Creating customer segments is a powerful way to identify and target customers for marketing. Using our comprehensive logic builder, a store owner has the ability to tap into a store's API mappings and segment users on various criteria. After creation, they can be used to send on-demand messages as needed.

Last updated